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Print production


All unne­cessary human ac­tions bet­ween an order and a fi­nished pro­duct are a po­ten­tion source of extra ex­penses, de­lays and er­rors. These ac­tions have to be au­to­mated to achieve the hig­hest qua­lity for your cu­stomer and your­self.

The role of App­lify

Since 1999 App­lify, along with gra­phic de­sign busi­nesses, is in­no­va­ting in the field of pro­duc­tion work­flow au­to­ma­tion. The ‘les­sons-learned’ and ‘best-prac­tices’ join forces to­gether to create our soft­ware app­li­ca­tion called App­lify Flow­Suite.

App­lify will help you turn your com­pany into a stre­am­lined prin­ting busi­ness in which you can achieve higher quan­ti­ties and qua­lity with the same amount of people.

App­lify gives you the tools and sup­port to achieve this goal: fle­xible PDF work­flow and links to pro­duc­tion prin­ters en CTP-s sup­ported by in­cre­dibly ex­pe­ri­enced App­lify-ers.

What do I get?

The App­lify-so­lu­tion con­tains a work­flow for prin­ting pro­duc­tion. All prin­ters, ma­chines for fi­nis­hing, presses and de­part­ments for fi­nis­hing are in­cluded in the work­flow. Man and ma­chine will be con­trolled op­ti­mally and the ma­na­ge­ment will get a cen­tral das­h­board on which you can see be­fore hand what will go smoothly and where pro­blems may occur.

App­lify of­fers a work­flow system made spe­ci­fi­cally for the mo­dern-day prin­ting world. In the work­flow system input from dif­fe­rent sources is com­bined, con­ver­sion to PDF, pre­f­ligh­ting, PDF cor­rec­tions, im­po­si­tion, color ma­na­ge­ment and con­trol­ling of prin­ters. It’s linked to ma­na­ge­ment in­for­ma­tion and web-to-print and of­fers a lot of pos­si­bi­li­ties for ex­chan­ging mes­sages with cu­sto­mers. Pro­duc­tion prin­ters or CTP, ma­chines for fi­nis­hing are in­te­grated.

Our ap­proach?

In an in­tro­duc­tio­nary mee­ting we will ana­lyze your cur­rent work pro­cesses, em­ployees and means of pro­duc­tion.

App­lify will pre­sent you dif­fe­rent well-wor­king cu­stomer cases of pro­duc­tion work­flows which apply to your own si­tua­tion. Using this in­for­ma­tion as a ‘roadmap’, we will come to know which di­rec­tion is the best for your com­pany.

App­lify will help in the chan­ging-pro­cess. To­gether we’ll make sure the pro­duc­tion de­part­ment can get to work with the new PDF work­flow and that all de­vices are op­ti­mally linked.

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How does this pay off?

You will get a new PDF work­flow which is linked to web-to-print, ma­na­ge­ment in­for­ma­tion sys­tems and pro­duc­tion ma­chines by JDF or other lan­guages.

Be­cause of this for a lot of or­ders there will be au­to­mated PDF file-checks, PDF nor­ma­li­za­tion, color ma­na­ge­ment, im­po­si­tion and sen­ding to the queue of the RIP or CTP. Du­ring this all the order in­for­ma­tion is passed through which means pro­duc­tion can be started by a click on the button.


  • In­ter­ac­tive soft proofing
  • In­te­gra­tion of tech­nical and ad­mi­nis­tra­tive pro­cesses
  • Pro­duc­tion das­h­board
  • Sup­port for JDF/JMF
  • Sup­port for other prin­ters
  • Sup­port for Free­Flow
  • In­te­gra­tion with web-to-print
  • Au­to­matic open do­cu­ment con­ver­sion
  • Po­werful PDF en­gine
  • Au­to­matic im­po­si­tion

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  • KN Di­gital Print­force
  • Next­print
  • GCC Di­gital Prin­ters
  • De Di­gi­tale Drukker

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