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In-plant print shops



As in­ternal repro you, like no other busi­ness, know what the needs wi­thin your or­ga­ni­za­tion are. Your com­pany is con­ti­nuously loo­king for im­pro­ve­ment of the wor­king pro­cess and re­duc­tion of ex­penses. This creates op­por­tu­ni­ties. It’s pos­sible to offer new repro pro­ducts and ser­vices and achieve stra­te­gical ad­van­tages.

The role of App­lify

Since 1999 App­lify has been fa­ci­li­ta­ting in­ternal re­pros in the cha­ning-pro­cesses in- and out­side of the repro. This is done by app­lying work­flow au­to­ma­tion. The ‘les­sons-learned’ and ‘best-prac­tices’ join forces to­gether to create our soft­ware app­li­ca­tion called App­lify Flow­Suite.

App­lify will help you deal with new tech­no­logy in the field of work­flow and change the pro­ducts you offer from simple copy- and print­work to high-end gra­phical pro­ducts.

App­lify gives you the tools and sup­port to achieve this goal: Web-to-print, va­riable data prin­ting, cross media mar­ke­ting, ima­ge­bank ma­na­ge­ment and easy ta­xa­tion. This way we create a fle­xible gra­phical work­flow so­lu­tion con­sis­ting of stan­dard mo­dules sup­ported by in­cre­dibly ex­pe­ri­enced App­lify-ers.

What do I get?

The App­lify repro work­flow is built up of a web-to-print en­vi­ro­ment for simple and com­plex repro pro­ducts, on­line editing and va­riable data prin­ting, au­t­ho­ri­za­tion by cu­sto­mers and ma­na­gers, ima­ge­bank, PDF op­ti­ma­li­za­tion, plan­ning sys­tems, di­rect prin­ting from the work­flow, po­stal pro­ces­sing, ta­xa­tion and re­por­ting. These ele­ments work to­gether ef­fort­lessly to make for a real, suc­cesful au­to­ma­tion.

Our ap­proach

In an in­tro­duc­tio­nary mee­ting we will ana­lyze your cur­rent work pro­cesses, em­ployees, cu­sto­mers and means of pro­duc­tion.

App­lify will pre­sent you dif­fe­rent well-wor­king cu­stomer cases which apply to your own si­tua­tion. Using this in­for­ma­tion as a ‘roadmap’, we will come to know which di­rec­tion is the best for your com­pany.

App­lify will help in the chan­ging-pro­cess. To­gether we’ll make sure the repro can get to work with the new work­flow and the cu­sto­mers are in­volved in the right way. The re­sult is a work­flow which is created by the repro as well as their cu­sto­mers.

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How does this pay off?

Wi­thin the repro there’s the cen­tral re­gis­tra­tion of all exis­ting or­ders and the plan­ning. Repro em­ployees have a clear in­sight at what they’re sup­posed to do.

The gi­ving of prin­ting or­ders and re­gis­tra­ting the work that has been done can happen di­rectly in the work­flow system. Be­cause of this ta­xa­tion gets re­ally easy.

The repro cu­sto­mers can make or­ders ea­sier than ever and be sure that they will be de­li­verd wi­thin the SLA.

The re­sult of this is a sub­stan­tial in­crease in qua­lity.


  • Cen­tral order re­gis­tra­tion
  • Di­gi­tale order form
  • Work­flow from sales quote to cross char­ging
  • Cor­po­rate de­sign com­pliancy
  • Printer sup­plier in­de­pen­dent
  • Ex­tended ma­na­ge­ment re­por­ting
  • Wor­king with dif­fe­rent sub­si­dia­ries
  • Web-to-print
  • On­line de­sign
  • Per­so­na­li­sa­tion
  • Cor­po­rate de­sign ma­na­ge­ment
  • Upload with pre­f­ligh­ting
  • File con­ver­sions
  • Pro­duct con­fi­gu­rator
  • Ware­house ma­na­ge­ment
  • POD ca­talog
  • On­line proofing
  • Au­t­ho­ri­sa­tions
  • Cal­cu­la­tions for all pro­ducts
  • Sales quote, order, de­li­very note, in­voice
  • Never ma­nu­ally re-enter data again!
  • Out­sour­cing
  • Pro­duc­tion work­flow
  • Lo­gi­stic work­flow
  • Po­stal pro­ces­sing

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  • Ricoh Eu­rope
  • Xerox Ne­der­land

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